Thursday, April 26, 2007

First Impressions

So what does one say in the first blog entry?

The pressure is on to say something of substance - to display a sparkling wit, demonstrate deep knowledge, expound profound views on diverse matters, give an insight into my personality, my interests, my passions...

I have always wanted to write, to express myself - my views and opinions (of which I have plenty, I assure you!) but never quite knew where to start. This blog gives me the opportunity to get going; get started on the journey - and I do view it as a journey - with no set agenda, as curious as anyone else to see where it may lead.

I am also a fan of impressionistic art. It conveys to me the notion of how we all look at an image, an event, a person and take away our own unique impressions - a little different, with varying levels of detail.

So - whither blog? I'm not really sure. As the popular phrase employed by all sportspersons in those keenly insightful interviews goes "I'm going to take in one day at a time".

I hope that if you stop by on this page in your traversals through cyberland, you find here something of interest, something to tickle your fancy, maybe a pause for thought, maybe a chuckle; and that you find it worth your while to visit again.

Wishing you Happy Journeys ...


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